Monday, April 26, 2004

Bang a Gong update
Jack Kelley and Jayson Blair you've got a friend of sorts in China. Yes, it turns out that USA Today and the New York Times aren't the only papers with rogue reporter problems. You won't read about this in Editor and Publisher, of course, but one of the two Fanlungong incidents at the Shenzhen Press Group has been solved. Turns out it was a copycat crime, of sorts, involving a young woman in the Daily Sunshine's entertainment department who confessed to subbing in the FLG material after deadline.
She was reportedly pissed at the paper's editor and hoped her stunt would get him canned. No word on what her grudge was, but she supposedly was inspired by the FLG photo brouhaha that put the editor of the Shenzhen Evening News out of a job and into disgrace. She denied any FLG connection, though that's probably a moot point as far as "the authorities" are concerned.

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